Exerpts from the Early
Loon Island Logs November 16 1931 Warm Fall day. Bert and I and the dogs started for camp about 10:30 - decided to "take a ride" -went on up the new road (bride at Harrixville opened yesterday ) 4 miles above Cranberry Lake where Burt camped last week. (Monday, November 10. Bert Shot two deer.) Gathered pne, ferns and little trees and started back - stopped above Harrisville to see airplane flight- reached camp 4:10 - sems good to be here - venison dinner. Bert set traps. Temp. 56 degrees. November 17 Cloudy but warm _ Bert caught one whie fish on his special line. Had brakfast and left for home. Feb 11, Valentine's Day 1932 Clear and cold - 20 derees when we left home about 10:30 Berty, doggies, and I dorve around rad - too slippery to suit me. Fo d ewvertng oO.K. Island looks different with most of burhs gone -great improvement. Buin (do) took suden bath down b the dock- Betsy took one on way over in the bay Hot toasted sandiwches, coffee, orange jumbles, peanut butter, pickles - lay on cot and plannned windows and work for the summer. Bert prospected fro spring. Just got comfortable and had to go. August 4, 1932 (Entry by DFW, - Mama Dot ) Ernie and I up for two weeks vacation! Dad is here with us today. Mother is with Gramp. A gorgeous day, warm and a breeze. Ernie caught a small pickerl and a pike. Down afer night crawleers. Aug 9 three pike from Birch Island Shoal, I , one, E. two. Aug 11 Down ome. Had nice visit with Gramp- he was in bed. Aug 13 Trut fishing p near Jayville, Jenny Creeek - beaurtiful country. Howecve our sucess was limited E got two 61/2" and 7" and I one. Aug 15 Big fishing Day. NIce werather. E. caught two pickerl and a pike 1 1/2 pounds. and I caut a 2 1/2 pound pike - a big hrill! - shore of Tunnel Bay. Moon again. Aug 16 Gramp and Grandma's 51st anniversary. We went down in the forenoon. Had desert with the family and Gramp in his roo. Aut 17 In the evening we got ll ready for a canoe trip up the inlet. Aug 18 Rainy and windy so ur trip is postponed. Instead trout fished in little stream near lake. E got 8. Aug 19 Of for the inlet. Started paddlng about 10:00 Made camp at Griffin's Rapids lean to aout 1"00, Paddled about 3 moil;es up river. River about 3" higher than usual, some cuirrent. Night cold but we kept warm. Seak dinner - open fireplace. Aug 20 Paddled and fished back. No fish, water too high. Cooked dinner on stream near lake B. Drove down home and back. Nice moon still. Aug 21 Our last, fond day - and a beautifl one. Rode around the lake - had a nice swim - dinner and broke camp - sorrowfully. We're off. September 4 (Log taken over for hunting season an winter by H.A.F.Bert Failing) Betsy Bozo and Bert up to lake late afernoon - Poor lonesome island - December 5th boozo and myself drove car up. No snow. roads fine. Temp 50degrees - arrived about noon, left about 2. Dec 11 Walt Ansteey and I came up around road which was good. 2 or 3 inches of snow, temp about 20 degrees. Hunted rabbits as little. no l uchk. Cooked our dinner and ewnjoyed it. Lake about all frozen over. Snowing some Jan 18 1933 24 degrees in am 40 degrees in pm. Bert, Bozie Betsey and I ( Vera D. Failing - Donna) drove around arriving at 11:30. Surprised to be here. Left Cz (Caesar's pup) with Dad. Found camp had reently been broken nto. All canned goods gone, back door borken, front screen door, broom window open. Had steak smothered in onions. Feb 25 (HAF) Walt and I came up this p.m. fishing thorugh the ice. Stayed oernight. Found two lawyers (ling-cod) on line at 8 s.m. Walt gone out now to look over lline at 10:00, Snowing when we dame up and still at 1. Temperaure about 20 degrees. (by DFW mama-dot) Gramps died March 18, 1933. Aug 7 Left for home. Ernie Thomas and Harlan began work on ice house and pump house. Face much worse (she probably had a sun allergy, as have others in the family,) Floss Mr. Homer Ferro, mother of the famous June) took me to see Dr. Atkinson in p,m. Aug. 8 Bert and I came up for over night. Lovely moon. Aug 13 1st good rain in three months last night. Many trees are dying. Looks like fall with many leaves on ground. Aug 16 Dad and mother's 52nd anniversasry. Took flowers to grave. Dot and I went to Carthage to see about monuments. Aug 18 Gorgeous day. large breakfast. Larger dinner. Had Charlie Salg over to figure on fireplace. Dot, Ernest and Bert went fishing only got small fish. Ernie Dot and Arthur (Wildes) left about 7. beautiful sunset- Bert caught 2 large pike 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 pounds. Popped corn, lunch, and so to bed after a happy day. Aug 22 Dark, rainy foggy inight. No fool like a pair of old fools. Came up after closed up - got loston ake - landed on Birxh Island. Finally arrived here after midnight. Carpenters left awful mess after putting in new winosa in back of livring room, bedroom and kitchen. September 8 Chas Salg began carrying stone and getting ready to build our fireplace. Ernie Thomas working on piers for boathouse. Sunday Se;t. 10 Weather changes to cold - 60 degrees - windy day. Got up sick, but went for walk all over back of us. Felt rotten all day and couldn't work. Bert killed an Indian (I mean a rat) with his trusty rifle out back window. Bozo and I chased a rat away from cucumbers. Bert came in p.m. with chills - borh of us sick - "something we et no doubt" - awful night. Didn't undress. Top sick to start home. Monday Sept 11 Got home and went to bed. Lena came as we got there. Decided that we had intestinal Grippe. Sept. 18 Bert and E. Thomas put trout in pond down lake -- |
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Bert Failing on the Oswegtchie | |||||||
Loon Log 2 ![]() |